
06 June 2007

Summer of the Studio

I have decided that this is the "Summer of the Studio". I intend to finish creating the space that I need to work efficiently and happily. That I will stay organized, that everything will have a home and that I will have easy access to all of my supplies. I've built most of the furniture in my studio and have made things to fit the way I work, my space and the containers I have. I don't have a closet and have to be creative with storage. Since my studio opens off of the living room it's "public space" and, in an ideal world, should be presentable. I spent part of the recent Memorial Day weekend working on a new piece of furniture for my studio - a window seat. It isn't finished yet and needs a cushion, but you can get an idea of how it will look.

The flat files at either end are from Dick Blick (I *could* have made them, but this was easier!) There is storage for my thread boxes, containers for paint and markers and samples for classes, my back-up sewing machine and the file box with all of my art business records. The flat files hold most of my finished quilts (yes, I work small) and about a third of my paper collection. The openings will have doors over them to cut down on the visual clutter.

These are some of the containers I use to corral paintstiks, brushes and colored pencils. Flower pots are terrific because they're waterproof and portable.


  1. Welcome to the world of Blogging, Jane! Your studio will be tremendous when you get it all finished! Good for you! Have you thought about some screens to close off part of the open space between the studio and the living room?

  2. Congratulations on your new blog! Enjoy all that it will do for you - in many ways. I'll put your link on my sidebar...

  3. I just know I am going to enjoy reading your blog--your posts to raggedcloth and QA are among the ones I read first. I am dying of envy over your beautiful studio space. Keep showing the pictures as it progresses.

  4. this is great Jane! what a lovely studio. what does Chary Sprouts mean? thanks for the link too

  5. Chary=cautious, careful; wary; fastidious; choosy.

    Sprouts=to begin to grow; shoot forth, to emerge or develop quickly; to cause to come forth and grow.

    Weird, I know, but it works for me! Also, in my synesthesia the two words are the absolutely perfect colors for the header I designed.

  6. Jane..... I used to do home dec for hire, so if you have any questions ASK! To make cushions from scratch, buy the foam 1-2 inches larger than you want the finished cushion.... the compression of the foam inside the to-fit covers will fill them out nicely (unless you want a shabby chic look, but from the looks of the studio and your comments about visual clutter, I'm guessing that may not be your favorite decorating style!).

    Anyway, I have done a TON of this stuff, so ask away!

    Cheers, and congrats.... tidy attacks must be in the air these days as I recently had one... will post it on the blog tomorrow I think... and mention it on the list,

    Cheers, SARAH

  7. Holy Smokes, Jane! Your studio kicks some serious buttocks! Woo Hoo! Serious smiles about there being an abundance of greenery window-side! YAY!
    Best from Seattle,
