
02 January 2008

A rectangle, a square, a triangle and a stamp

I needed to make some fiber postcards in the theme of "Houses" and boiled my design down to the basic shapes - rectangle, square and triangle. I had already carved a stamp in the shape of a window for a different project, so that came in handy for printing. Then I played with composition. Here are four of the ten I made today. Of course, none of these would pass building codes...

The seals I stamped in magenta ink are from fellow Nature Printing Society member Fred Mullett's Red Pearl stamp site.


  1. They are great! You are working hard and the results are wonderful :)
    I love the easels idea, lovely!

  2. Wow, these are gorgeous! Stamps are something i definitely need to try again soon--it's been so long.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. these are lovely! i need to do some carving... hope you had a good meeting last night!

  5. Jane, love your houses, such characters. Did you know that your episode of The Quilt Show airs April 14th?

    Happy quilting!

  6. I do love the house shape and your series is way cool!
