
22 July 2008

Sisters, part deux

Here are more pictures from the cliche challenge from the Project Patchwork class I taught in Sisters OR.

Once in a blue moon

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

Can't see the forest for the trees

And one quilt from the fortune cookie challenge. I can't remember the fortune and it's too small to read in the picture, but isn't the quilt cool?

I did take a few pictures at the show. What an absolutely amazing sight! Something like 20,000 people come to town to see this one-day, outdoor show. The whole town is decked out and it's a sight to see. I highly recommend the experience. The store that started the whole thing 33 years ago, Jean and Valori Wells' The Stitchin' Post, has quilts hanging all over the outside of it.

The main road is closed and all of the traffic is detoured to make it safer for photo-snapping quilters. Look at that sky - blue, blue, blue and not a cloud anywhere to be seen.

Everywhere you turned there were quilts. A huge, highly-organized, highly-efficient team does it all. Kudos to them!