
17 August 2008

Art Walk wrap-up

The Art Walk last night was an interesting, high-energy event. This is the first year of the Walk and no one was sure what to expect. Over 700 people turned out to stroll the main streets of town, listen to various musicians playing outdoors, check out the stores featuring over three dozen artists and shop. I think it was a success for all involved and I hope they do it again next year. Some pictures from She She, a boutique where my working was hanging.

I met a lot of people, handed out a lot of cards and explained Art Quilts to a lot of folks who'd never heard the term before. Fun!

I also learned a few things for next year. A name tag would have been good and an easel out on the sidewalk holding a mounted piece would have drawn even more people inside.


  1. I like this 'art in real life' idea much better than a studio tour. I'm sorry to have missed it. (Also for next time, more notice, please.)

  2. i wish i could have come.... there's always next time right?

  3. Your art quilts look wonderful in that setting! I hope the gallery crawl was a successful night for you.
