
08 September 2008

Happy Birthday, Baby!

My baby turns 23 today (and I refuse to let that make me feel old, lol). She has grown into a beautiful, intelligent, creative, capable, poised young woman.

seven months old, first Easter

ten months old, Woodstock NY

almost three years old - I was her age now when she was this age then...

four years old, first year of sixteen + years of dance

first day of school

A sunny five year old

A stunning seventeen year old

The girls taking in a show last month

Every year on the first day of school, from kindergarten on, I've tucked a brand new box of crayons in her backpack. It's been an inside joke all these years, and I'm sure caused her some embarrassment in high school, but there's something about a crisp, new pack of crayons that just shouts "new beginnings". This is the first year I've forgotten, so here's a virtual box of glittery crayons.

Here's hoping everyone has a new box of crayons on this glorious day!


  1. In our family, it was a new box of 64 Crayolas every Christmas morning. And I used to sniff that open box and it smelled like heaven on earth. Today my Hannah turns 21, and she is in Mexico for the semester...we just SKYPED! Happy birthday to all the September 8th goddesses! -KarenLR

  2. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter!

  3. happy birthday Sam! she is beautiful, congratulations Jane!
