
06 December 2008

Art Quilts at Play

Here's the big, exciting news! I've been living this project for the last 18 months and I can finally share. Elin Waterston and I have written a new book, Art Quilts at Play, for C&T Publishing, to be released in January 2009.

This new book is a perfect complement to our first book, Art Quilt Workbook, and covers a plethora of surface design techniques and special effects on fabric. The book is full of illustrated how-tos, many, many samples from the different processes and oodles of finished art. Once we've shown you how to create and alter some beautiful fabric, we give you scads of ideas of what to do with it, from challenges and trades to collaborations and more. Our first book was based on an in-depth, comprehensive class that we'd been teaching. This new one also draws on workshops plus the techniques we each use in our own art.

Over a year ago we asked a small number of very talented women in the art quilt and mixed-media world to contribute some pieces to our book and they very generously agreed. Their work enriches the material and shows you how different artists with different voices and different techniques approach the same themes or materials with exciting, original and unique results. We're so grateful to each of them for their contributions.

Natalya Aikens
Woodie Anderson
Liz Berg
Gail Ellspermann
Janet Ghio
Rayna Gillman
Terry Grant
Kathryn Hunter
Andrea Jenkins
Jane LaFazio
Mati McDonough
Tricia McKellar
Kim Rae Nugent
Karen Stiehl Osborn
Virginia Spiegel
Beryl Taylor

A few of our students were also asked and graciously agreed to share their work with us. We are so thankful to them for their generosity (and in a couple of cases, their bravery as well!)

There will be a big release party, book signing and art quilt exhibition at the Country Quilter in Somers NY on Saturday, February 21st and we hope you can join us!

You can pre-order an autographed copy of the book now by contacting me. We're so pleased with the response to our first book and hope that you'll like this one just as much.


  1. Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment!

  2. Fantastic news, Jane! I look forward to it.

  3. Jane, congratulations again to you and Elin. Your work always inspires me and makes me smile. Continued success, diana welte

  4. A BiG congratulations to you! Love the cover - it makes me want to see more of all of the treasures that await me on the inside.

  5. Congratulations Jane! It looks like another fabulous book.

  6. Oh, bummer. I'll be in Florida, teaching. So sorry to miss the party - I'm sure this book will be another huge success!

  7. congratulations. I can't wait to check it out

  8. Jane, I am thrilled for you! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  9. Jane,
    Fabulous news! Congrats! Like Jamie, I love the cover too, can't wait to see the book!

  10. Kudos, Jane, to you and Elin. I'm sure it will be great.

  11. Wow, this book looks like a must-have to me! Congrats.

  12. Congratulations! Can't wait to get my copy!

  13. I want one! But this time, I won't ask for two, which for some reason I did with the first one.

    Congratulations to you and Elin.


  14. Congratulations! Books don't just happen they take work and dedication.
    Well done!!!!

  15. Yeah Jane! The cover is fabulous, I am sure you will do very well with your book. Congrats!
    Cara Gulati

  16. That cover is definitely an eye catcher, and you have a stellar list of contributors.
