
03 January 2009

Illustration Friday - resolve

cotton fabric, cotton batting, cotton thread, metallic foil and acrylic ink on 6" x 6" stretched canvas

This little guy is full of steely resolve. The bigger birds had better not mess with him.

It's hard to tell from the photo, but the three small dark squares on the upper left are metallic foil -- steel colored. I don't know where all of these birds are coming from. Every week when I read the IF word, a bird pops into my head.


  1. Keep them coming, they are beautiful! I absolutely love the colors, textures and of course, the bird is marvelous.

    pati @-;--

  2. That "burd" is marvelous!

  3. I really love your birds! I like the dark silhouette against the lighter background. It's too bad that it's so hard to show metallic online - I am sure those little squares look lovely. Happy New Year!

  4. I really like the simplicity of this piece.
