
20 February 2009

Let's get this party started!

Tomorrow is the big release party and book signing for Art Quilts at Play, the new book that Elin Waterston and I have written for C&T Publishing.

Please join us at the Country Quilter in Somers, NY from 1-4 pm for the celebration!

If you can't make it and you'd like to have your own party, you can order an autographed copy here.

We'll have an exhibit of a lot of the quilts from the book, great snacks, good music and as a bonus, the retirement sale is in full swing at the shop. A number of the contributing artists will be there and, of course, your favorite Most Inspirational authors - me and Elin!


  1. Have a wonderful celebration! Wish I could be there...have to work. Boo hoo!

  2. Have a great book-launch! Sorry can't be there - I'm in the UK. Really look forward to seeing the book

  3. I will be there, Jane. I'm looking forward to it.

  4. Congratulations on seeing your work come to fruition! The cover is beautiful!

  5. I'm so sorry I missed it; we were away on a family vacation. But I'm definitely ordering an autographed copy! Hope it was fun!

  6. Congrats, Jane! I have your first book and enjoy your art... can't wait to see this one, too.
