
15 November 2009

AED - collages

Okay, here on the 15th day of this project it's time for a little self-evaluation. Notwithstanding the fact that I've missed a couple of days (argh), I'm now struggling with an internal debate of "trivial" vs "important". Although I have created art since the beginning of the month, I do feel like nearly everything I've made is fairly trivial. I may be overthinking things (quel surprise), but it's bugging me and I'm going to try something different.

Soooooo, saying that, here is the first step of a series of collages. I'm working on 8" x 10" bristol board with a mixture of Liquitex fluid medium and acrylic paint.

I'm not sure whether I'll work on one at a time until it's done or on one layer on all of them at once - I guess I'll have to see what tomorrow brings!

If you're doing the AEDM project, how do you feel about your progress so far?


  1. I am not doing the current AED month, but I did an extended project last spring. It was actually my Lenten discipline. I read a bit of scripture and committed to making a small art quilt inspired by the scripture each day -- all the way from start to finish. It was very very challenging, but I was amazed at the spiritual and artistic growth that occurred through the project. I took Sundays off, as is the Lenten tradition. I missed one day, not because I didn't try, but just because everything that I did looked like crap. But, that's part of the process too.

    I think the key to a successful "every day" project is to be pretty specific about what you intend to do. And to work quickly. There is simply not time to overthink the art if one still has to do laundry, fix meals and keep up with other responsibilities.

    I also think it's important to put more emphasis on creating the art than on blogging the results. That's an extra commitment that can become overwhelming.

    Good luck!

  2. maybe the work so far feels 'trivial' because it's also been directed toward fulfilling prior commitments (the postcard group, the etsy shop) rather than tilling new ground?

    not that you asked, but regarding what you did ask -- I'm idly NaNoing as opposed to conscientously AEDing (or conscientously NaNoing, for that matter), and I'm pleased to be making any progress whatsoever. So I'm no help ;-)

    But I think that if you think about it, you may find that you're really starting fresh today with AED. Not that you asked.

  3. Ha! I wrote about my reservations about the AED project on today's blog too. Halfway through I am wondering if I am worrying more about having something to post than I am about doing real work. I will continue to work everyday, but on ongoing projects, not a new something each day. I just don't work that way!

  4. days are always filled with creativity. it's how i approach life.

    but the "ART" word in the AEDM project has been challenging/annoying/motivating me all month long....

    this project has been an adventure. i might design another project like this, but set my own specific goals.

  5. For me the posting is a bit of tyranny, having something to show for the day. And I think, at least in my case, it is self-imposed. I'm a rule follower and a people-pleaser, so it is hard to feel comfortable not following directions (directives). I keep reminding myself that my goal is to be more intentional about getting into my studio, art or no art. I have discovered that I do creative things every day (since now I'm keeping track) and I do believe they all contribute to the well from which art springs. I need to be content with who I am, how I work (slowly) and accomplish that which time and energy allow.

  6. i'm kind of with you here, feel like i must produce a blog post to prove that I've been creative today... i have to extra creative to come up with an interesting photo too.. guess that part isn't bad..
    but yes feeling the tyranny of it all...

  7. I agree with Lynne and Natalya. I started late, but have felt obligated to post something everyday and I have. I've done some small things that I wouldn't have done ordinarily and some of them have led me on to do other things, so I guess that's good.
    But I'm also working on other things everyday that I can't post on the blog.....macro challenge, rusted quilt, etc.

  8. Hi Jane,
    What I'm getting out of it is the discipline to "do." So often, I say I want to try something, or should work on something and get lost by the days events. This is making me put the emphasis on the doing. Sometimes its a "have to" project. Sometimes its a well you've been doing that anyway. And sometimes, its a now's as good a time as ever to try that and see what happens.

    Its reminding me, even a little every day is moving me closer to doing all the things on my bucket list. Of course the bucket still over flows, just not nearly as fast this month.

  9. Well, I've taken the "loose" rules to task! I haven't posted every day -- there have been days when I simply couldn't. My creativity hasn't always been the production of something tangible; I think that pondering ideas, slushing through the mess in my head definitely counts! However, sometimes it all feels more obligatory than joyful -- and that's my disappointment..... but that may also be my own fault.
